Legacy & Changemakers

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Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision (Sankalp)

To create a community where learning is a joy and a way of life.

Our Mission (Lakshya)

To ensure that every Gangian will be quintessentially Indian, joyous and giving, constant and yet ever-evolving like our inspiration – the river Ganga.

Our Values

Generous: At Ganges Valley, we instil in our children the value of giving freely and abundantly, whether sharing knowledge, resources, or acts of kindness to those in need.

Gracious: We nurture a culture where being gracious means accepting others as they are and ensuring everyone feels comfortable and respected.

Grateful: We prioritise gratitude as a core value, teaching our students to express thankfulness and appreciation, which fosters happiness and unity as global citizens.

Green: By embracing a mindful and eco-conscious lifestyle, we actively contribute to preserving the natural environment and striving to create a cleaner, greener, and safer world.

Grounded: We promote humility and staying grounded amidst success and recognition, guiding our students to remain humble and down-to-earth throughout their lives.